Ghost Trader and Freedom

…degen”, ultimately, we all want independence. We want more freedom in our lives — freedom from want, freedom to live life on our terms, freedom to defy traditional financial constraints….

Risk Disclaimer

…purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss; (k) all of the above representations and warranties are true, complete, accurate and non-misleading from…

Ghost Trader — Escaping The Matrix

…steps to financial freedom. That project is Ghost Trader. Ghost Trader offers true financial freedom and passive income by utilising the skills of a professional Forex trader. Put simply, you…

GTR — Yield to the Community

…suffer such a high attrition rate? Short of superficial comparisons, identifying a common trait or even a constellation of similar characteristics has proven elusive, but tends to come down to…

Ghost Trader — The Full Read, Pt. 2

…project. Maintaining regular communication with and educating our community remains a paramount priority for the entire Ghost Trader team. Our success is the success of our community, and vice versa….

GTR — Performing On The World Stage

…so many things, the management of these teams — and the egos that come with them — elicit comparisons to business and leadership. Reams of paper have been consumed with…

Ghost Trader — Web 3.0 and Beyond

…of major digital companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google — the so-called FAANG companies — they offer what appear to the retail user as free digital goods and services, but…